Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ethical or Not Essay

As far as the media is concerned, one ethical standard I know they must follow is responsible reporting. If this alone is the standard, then I would give a thumbs up for the showing of the documentary. By this criteria alone, the airing of the documentary is already ethical. As claimed by the article itself, â€Å"this was a responsible and important documentary. It was not primarily about Princess Diana or Dodi Al Fayed. It was about the photographers who were subjected to an authority instituted and media supported lynching. Locked up without charge for over two days. Two years later they were formally cleared. Mohamed Al Fayed pursued an action against them for breach of privacy and was awarded derisory damages. † The rights involved here are not only those of Princess Diana or her sons or Al Fayed. The documentary was mainly focused on the rights of the photographers involved. Thus, if the motivation for airing the documentary is to show to the world how they were treated without ill-motives of hurting the royal family or Princess Diana’s memory, then there is no reason why it should be unethical for Channel 4 air the documentary. Its airing falls as responsible reporting from where I stand. Why is it ethical? Ethics should be viewed from the point of view of the one whose acts are concerned. In this case, whether the act of airing the documentary is ethical or not should be viewed from the perspective of Channel 4. Many great thinkers support the act of Channel 4 as ethical. Of course, this is assuming that it was done in the name of responsible reporting and without bad faith on its part. And this is a fair assumption because this is the only fact we can assume from the article as this was specifically mentioned therein. What I am driving at is that we cannot assume bad faith on the part of Channel 4, like for example, airing it just to gain ratings or money for the in-between commercials, because these are not mentioned in the article. To proceed, I will start my defense with the ethical principles ordained by Socrates, who is regarded as one of the greatest teachers of ethics. He said that anyone who knows what virtue is will necessarily act virtuously. He further said that those who act badly, therefore, do so only because they are ignorant of, or mistaken about, the real nature of virtue. Applying it to Channel 4, if they acted out of responsible reporting, then they acted ethically. If it should happen that they acted badly, then they were only mistaken on what should have been the proper conduct. This mistake should not automatically make the act unethical. Necessarily, Channel 4 should know what responsible reporting is. In fact, it acted upon this virtue. Thus, the airing of the documentary is ethical. Confucian ethics will also support the act of Channel 4 as ethical. The heart of Confucian ethics is character. He said that it (ethics) centers neither on acts nor on their consequences, but on character. Applying this principle, airing the documentary or the consequences of airing it are not material to deterrmine whether the act is ethical or not. What matters is the character of Channel 4. Thus, the question is whether Channel 4 aired the documentary with ill-motives or with a noble and genuine purpose. Seeing that Channel 4 aired the documentary out of responsible reporting, which is a noble purpose as far as the media is concerned, then the act was nothing but ethical for them to perform. However, it should be borne in mind here that there might be other factors which Channel 4 considered before airing the documentary. These other factors may possibly range from improving ratings, to generating income from the in-between commercials, to simply just starting an intrigue. Whatever these other factors are, they will not be considered in this discussion because we do not have enough facts from which we could draw a decent assumption. And finally, Spinoza’s view on ethics is that nothing is intrinsically good or bad, except to the extent that it is subjectively perceived to be by the individual. He therefore suggests that whether an act is ethical or not depends on the perspective of the person doing the act. Spinoza’s view makes my argument so simple: if Channel 4 thinks it is right and ethical to air the documentary, then airing it is right and ethical. As aforementioned, the motive behind airing the documentary is responsible reporting. If responsible reporting is an ethical thing to do in the opinion of Channel 4, then it is so. Did the public need to know or want to know? I will not presume to know what is the opinion of the general public regarding the matter. So I will just hazard a guess to answer this question. And I will assure you that it will be an intelligent guess. So let me proceed. Considering the facts that Princess Diana is a public figure, that the media is an industry impressed with public interest, and that the wrongful detention of persons is contrary to public policy, then I would dare say that the public should see the documentary. They need to know what is in it. In fact, it is their constitutional right to know. The Constitution guarantees that the people should be informed on matters which are of public concern. It need not be belabored that the circumstances surrounding the death of Princess of Diana are matters of public concern. She is a celebrity and part of the royal family, which is the public head of England. This makes her a public figure. Moreover, certain members of the media were wrongfully detained because of her death. This is also a matter of public concern. Therefore, the general public should be informed whether the rights of these people, which rights are zealously protected by no less than the Constitution, were violated or not. So yes, the public needs to know about the documentary and what is in it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Teen Suicides Essay

Every second of the day a person dies and every second of the day a child is born. But did you know that half of the deaths are from suicide. From that half of the suicidal deaths are from teen suicide. Did you know that suicide is the leading cause of death? Or that its one of the top 3 reasons why teenagers are found dead? Every year teens are killed because they suicide. Every day they give up on life and embrace death instead. Just learning this from the news I became interested. Suicide has always interested me because of what I heard and my own personal experience. So when I started to research about this topic I got so many results. Each topic brought up other many sub topics. Each subtopic was like reading an article from an encyclopedia. So after reading I thought of focusing my research on how many teens suicide, why they suicide, what are the signs of suicidal risk, and can you help someone if they are thinking of suicides. How many teenagers suicide every day? Every 40 seconds of everyday around the world a teenager kills themselves by suicide. â€Å"After a year has passed over 1 million teenagers have killed themselves by suicide.† ( This is important because after a year has passed more than 1 million kids have killed themselves. This shows that for teenagers they rather welcome death than find a reason to live. For every teenager the ratio for boys to girls are different. â€Å"For every one girl that goes through the suicide there are 4 more boys that have already gone through. The ratio for every boy that attempts to suicide there three girls are also attempting suicide too.†( This is importantly significant because it shows that out of the million kids that suicides boys go through it more while the girls try  to attempt it more than the boys. â€Å"Every day there are at least 1 out of twelve teenagers that attempt suicide.† ( This is significant because if every teenager around the world was to line up then every twelfth kid of the line would attempt a suicide. It shows that every one out of 12 kids is trying to end their life. I discovered that in an article, â€Å"Suicide is the third leading cause for deaths of teens.† ( This is really significant because for teenagers, suicide is easier. It also shows that many teenagers die from aids, cancer and stroke. Another thing I discovered in an article was, â€Å"Nearly 60% of all suicide in the United States is committed with a gun.† ( This is important because for 60 percent of the suicide death in the United States of Ameri ca was from guns. This also shows how easy for teenagers to have access to firearm. With more people aware of how many teenagers are dying and the leading reason is cause of firearms we could stop all of it. The fact that every 40 seconds a teenager commits suicide was shocking because it shows me that the world is not a perfect place. For teenagers to give up their life for me is like someone beginning to smoke. In my mind they are both the same and they are all horrible for the people close to the person. It’s shocking to know that every year around the world more than a million people die. To find that most of the suicide is from male teenagers it was frightening. This shows that male teenagers are more aggressive than female. Since they are more aggressive they would find more ways to kill themselves. If all my friends were to suicide I would be sad because they would be part of the million of kids to give up. I found that one 1 of twelve teenagers attempt to suicide was more interesting than ever. This to me is interesting because I had personal experience in this because when I was little my sister tried to kill herself. Being little I thought she was messing around but when we got a little bit older she almost did it again  but I was able to persuade her to not. Since that girls are more likely attempt to suicide that made my sister part of the statistic. Another reason this is interesting because if kids suicide every 40 seconds it add ups. I think that this is sad because my friends could be thinking of suicide but I wouldn’t know. Like one of my teachers said everyone has two lives. I didn’t understand it but now I know. Everyone has their school life where they choose to be and then they have their life at home. So if my friends were thinking of wanting to die I wouldn’t know. Another reason this is interesting is because most suicide death is from firearms. To me for people to own firearms I think it is stupid. In my mind if a parent was to own a firearm they should lock it up. If they the weapon out anyone could just walk in and shoot themselves. I hope that teenagers could find a way to life and deaths would go down. What are some reasons teens commit suicide? Teenagers commit suicide everyday over simple reasons. For the teenagers them self those reasons are what drive them to act out their final moments. Teenagers â€Å"going through major life changes,† might be reason. ( If teens were in a middle of a divorce between their parents they try to escape. This is significant because if kids were going through major life changes they would feel so many emotions. When this happens the teenagers let their emotions rule. â€Å"For teenagers, sometimes their overwhelming hopelessness is enough to cause them to take their own lives.† ( ) This is important because if teens fill hopeless then it easier for them to find ways to escape. They would escape with death because they are stuck in impossible situations for them to deal with. Teenagers also suicides because they try to, â€Å"escape from overwhelming fe eling like rejection, guilt, and sadness.†( ) This is important because some teenagers can’t deal with too much feeling. So they think that attempting suicide might be the only way for them to escape. I also discovered in an online article about what causes this  feelings. â€Å"Problems are very real to the teens that are facing them. Teenagers face the pressures of trying fit in socially, to perform academically, and to act responsibly (2).† ( ) This is important because every teenager feels the pressure. When they face the responsibility alone they feel neglected and alone. If they keep feeling like this they think that suicide is their only way out of feeling the pressure. Depression is another leading cause for teen’s suicide. Just like I am, every day teens are found with signs of depression. Depression can sometimes lead to suicide. â€Å"Depression may lead teens to focus on their failures and disappointments.† ( ) This is important because it’s a known fact that depression is the leading factor or reason why kids kill them self. If people have depression they feel the worthless so they kill themselves to end the sadness. The reason for many teenagers to end their life because of depression or hopelessness is interesting. It’s interesting because it not just depression that takes over the teenage mind but the feeling of hopelessness. I’m shocked because every teenager has been given for a lot of responsibility.  If kids were to deal with this alone it would make them scared. Once they would feel scared then the other feeling would come and over whelm the teenager. I had been overwhelmed by the responsibility and it wasn’t fun. I understood the pain and unworthiness but my parents helped me out. I couldn’t bare the fact if my parents weren’t there to help me. Another thing I that I was shocked was the research I found about the question. The number one factor for teens to suicide was depression. In my mind I can understand, why. Since I have depression it’s sometime hard to feel happy. For me it’s like having a heavy weight on your shoulder. Another reason this is interesting is because of feeling. When I read that some teenagers kill themselves because they think it’s an escape. If I let my feelings run my actions I would be destroyed because I would be miserable. I can’t imagine someone anyone living like that. If anyone close to me said that they wanted to escape I talk to them. Another reason this is interesting is because major life changes affect decisions of the child. I remember when I was seven I moved to a new house. I was so sad because I was leaving my friends and teachers that I like. When  I got in our new house I didn’t like it. I hated everyone and was very stubborn. Then I gave everyo ne a chance and took over my life. I had to learn the hard way about letting my emotions rule my life but I promised not to go back to that place. In my mind I think everyone has a mind to run their life. But for instance some people can’t handle that pressure. I hope that if people can find their will to live they won’t overdose on drugs or killing themselves. I just hope teenagers can find a way to life. What are the signs of teens about to attempt suicide? One teenager every 40 seconds shows signs of them about to either follow through or attempt to suicide. Even though the signs might not be big they are big to the teenager. For some teenagers it is a cry for help. Some teenagers â€Å"have dramatic personality changes† ( It might not be a lot but if a teenager was happy one day and then for the rest of the week that teenager is sad, depressed or angry. This is significant because even though the teenager might go through weird changes it’s their way of saying â€Å"help me or please notice me.† Another thing I discovered was teenager about to attempt suicide â€Å"have and obsession with death, poems, essays and drawings that refer to death itself. ( This is significant because let’s say your teenager never talks about death. If they had suicidal thoughts then they would be fascinated by death becaus e in their mind death is their escape. If teenagers with suicidal thoughts let their emotions rule their decisions so they’re not thinking rational, â€Å"depression with irrational bizarre behavior.† ( This is significant because when teens have overwhelming feeling it run the part of mind that thinks logical. So in the way they lose that logical sense and in a way lose themselves. Teenagers also say things to see if their parents are listening. â€Å"I’m thinking of committing suicide or I wish I could just die.† ( Sometimes they whisper it or say I just kidding. But in the end it’s never a joke. It’s important  because if a parent doesn’t respond the way a teenager expects them to respond then they feel hopeless. I did some research on my own and saw that teenagers drop hints. They would usually say â€Å"I won’t trouble you anymore.† (http://www.teensuici This is important because these are calls for help and in their way these signs are a way to let their feelings out. This question made me very interested because all of the signs are a call for help. In my mind it’s like when a smoker drops hints about what he has does but they are very vague. They are both similar and both a call for help. I’m interested because I know people that are interested in death but they don’t resemble me as someone that is suicidal. This question makes me interested because it is the basic reason why teenagers need our help. If I was in a position where I was need of help and I was scared then I would have drop simple hints. To the people I given the hints to it wouldn’t make sense. It would seem to them that I have gone crazy but it’s my way of saying to them that I need help. If I didn’t get the reaction that I wanted it would make me feel more hopeless and alone. Many teens around the world face this problem, the problem of feeling hopeless and alone. In a way the teenager’s signs can be saved if anyone could notice and listen. I think it is intriguing for parents that don’t listen to their children. Around the world there are 20 kids who are dropping signs about that they are going to kill themselves. One- third of those kids are noticed but the rest the unlucky ones fill as if they are alone and in the end slowly give up. I couldn’t believe the fact that there are teens who feel alone. In my mind I feel as if people don’t care about their children it’s just like murder straight up murder. I hope that people could just open up their mind and see that suicide is very important. Can someone help a teenager that has suicide thoughts? Yes, if parents open their eyes to the signs that their kids are showing to them then they can save the teenager. Articles and doctor say that you should â€Å"get help immediately. This is significant because if yo can have the kid talk to someone about their problems then its suppose to help them. The teenager would understand that they are not alone or neglected.  Refer to a psychologist  (  Another thing the article stated, â€Å"Understanding depression in teens is very important since it can look different.† ( This is important because there are at least 4 known types of depression. Even though each one is similar they have certain symptoms that distinguish each other from each one. For teen depression they are different because unlike the other depression teens from some people. Once you understand signs then you could help the teenager.  "Watch, listen and ask questions.† ( This is significant because if someone was to watch and listen to their child then they would see that their teenager needs help. Teenagers also want support from their parents. If parents were to, â€Å"keep the lines of communication open and express concern, support,† then they would understand their child ( This is significant because if the teenage confides with the parent then they would feel happy. For them the teenage would feel that the parent is actually taking their concerns very seriously. Suicide is a hard thing for teens to deal with. In the end they don’t know what to do but find their own escape. Reading the article I was astonished by all the things a parent can do but never actually does. I think that these ways of helping a teenager is interesting because it shows some ways of helping suicidal teenager. I wish that everyone could have caring parents. When I was down my dark path and near depression they were there. They helped me by listening to my problems and help me problem solve. I think it’s interesting bec ause around the world there are a lot of teenager that need help. Not all of them get the help they seek so they end their life. For me it’s sad that there is so many kids dying. I just hope one day we can know the signs and make this world a better place. Conclusion I am very interested in the understanding everything there is about suicide. I’m intrigued by the fact that over 1 million kids have died because of  simple reason that could have been fixed. In my mind all these facts were really interesting specially knowing that there are 5 types of depression. As a result of this research I know how to deal with this situation. I would know to how to help people that are going through this. I would know the signs of what a suicidal teenage is showing. I would also be able to spread it to others. Every day a teenager is faced with a choice. They can either live the life they were given or give up and embrace death. Everyday some teenager you know could be in trouble. Would you help or you let that kid become part of the one million kids that die that year. This current event is about how Israel might take humanity back to the dark ages. The dark ages occurred right after the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Israeli army bulldozed recently entered a village next a town called Aqraba. They did this so they can demolish a home that had belonged to a Palestinian family. They did this other numerous times. Their hallucinations over false evidence is making us go back to another dark ages. Since they are curtailing the rights of the Bedouins then they want a war. A war that is devastating with Iran and Islam. For Israel to be peace they would make the Middle East a nuclear peace zone. Maybe the U.s would do the same. This is important because the dark ages were chaotic. The world if ever went back to the world go crazy. Another reason this is important because with the Israel wanting to defend itself it would do it without it missiles. Also if the east was to have no nuclear then it might be a time of peace. It would be a small step but the step would create a big history for the world. The world wouldn’t have to worry about nuclear weapons if we got rid of it. We also might be able to stop terrorist. In a way if we can go back to a peaceful time then it would be great for everyone. In way I would be good for us. Then we could create a better world. A world where it will be safe everyone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bull Rider Summary

Layne and his mom have an argument about Layne joining the bull riding competition, because her mom didn’t want him to join in bull riding because of her husband who died in a bull riding competition and she don’t want that to happened to Layne, while Layne really wants to join bull riding because his dad has a dream of being a champion on bull riding competition and Layne wants to fulfill that dream for him. Questions: (Circle the best answer) 1) Why does Layne`s mom don`t want him to join the rodeo? a. Layne’s mom was afraid to lose him like his dad who died in a rodeo. b. Layne didn’t eat his vegetables. 2) What is their argument about? a. Layne’s wants a new ipad. b. Layne’s joining the bull riding competition 3) Why Layne wants to be a bull rider? a. For the girls who scream for his name when his bull riding. b. To fulfill his dad dreams. Chapter 2 Vocabulary Words: Trading The action of engaging in trade. Doubtful Feeling uncertain about something. Rodeo An exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc. Corral A pen for livestock, esp. cattle or horses, on a farm or ranch. Arena A level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which sports, entertainments, and other public events are held. Contractor A person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job. Chute A sloping channel or slide for conveying things to a lower level Chute Fighter A rough stock animal that will not stand still and tries to fight the cowboy before he leaves the chute. Hornets A large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees Summary: Terror and Layne goes to Kelvins arena where they meet Jana. Jana is Jack Kelvin’s daughter. Layne goes every time to Jana when her parents are not in the ranch to have some bull riding practice. When Layne was about to practice bull riding he met Rhino the brahma bull who has only one horn, Jana don’t want to give Rhino to Layne to ride on but Layne really wants to ride Rhino because he wants to challenge his skills to get better and Rhino was the perfect bull for it so Jana let him ride Rhino. While Layne was riding on Rhino he saw a man with red shirt. Question: (True or False) 1) Jana is Jack Kelvin’s daughter. TF 2) Jana wants Layne to ride Rhino. TF 3) Layne saw a man with black shirt while he was riding Rhino. TF Chapter 3 Vocabulary Words: Glimpse A momentary or partial view. Mauled Wound by scratching or tearing. Jackknife A knife with a folding blade. Blame Assign responsibility for a fault or wrong Stunned Knock unconscious or into a dazed or semiconscious state. Scrambling Move hurriedly or clumsily from or into a particular place or position. Uncurled Straighten or cause to straighten from a curled position. Gallop A very fast pace of running or moving. Scuff Scrape or brush the surface of against something. Muttered Say something in a low or barely audible voice, esp. in dissatisfaction or irritation. Summary: Layne fell off from Rhino, Layne was scrambling on his feet then Rhino get back at him and hit him then Layne has trying to get out of there as fast as he can but it was too late Rhino`s head slammed him back down to the ground. Then Terror and Jana help him out, Terror distract Rhino from getting back to Layne and Jana lock Rhino to his cage. Then the guy with the red shirt came to them it was Chase Kincaid Jana`s Grandfather. Chase and Layne have a conversation about Layne`s dad Jeff McQueen. Then Chase saw Layne`s wound and he wrap his wound using a handkerchief and Layne`s strip shirt. Question: (Fill in the blanks) 1) Layne’s father is ____________. 2) ________ And ________ are two things Chase used to cover Layne’s wound. 3) _______ distract Rhino from getting back to Layne. Chapter 4 Vocabulary Words: Blab Reveal secrets by indiscreet talk. Stumbling rip or momentarily lose ones balance. Steam Be or become extremely agitated or angry. Crumpled Become bent, crooked, or creased. Suspicious Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something. Stern Serious and unrelenting, esp. n the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline. Crease A line or ridge produced on paper or cloth by folding, pressing, or crushing it. Disgusted Cause to feel revulsion or profound disapproval. Ruined Cause great and usually irreparable damage or harm to have a disastrous effect on. Relief The alleviation of pain, discomfort, or distress Crumpled Becom e bent, crooked, or creased. Summary: Layne and Terror went back home and the next morning Layne’s mom goes to his room to pick up his dirty clothes he was very worried about what will be the reaction of his mom if she knows about what he did. His mom saw his shirt that has blood and she thought Layne got the blood on his shirt on his rugby practice then Layne was relief of his worries that his mom going to know about what he did. Question: (Fill in the blanks) 1) _____ is the sport Layne in the school. 2) To pick up Layne’s dirty ______ is the reason why his mom goes to his room. 3) Layne is worried about his _____ if she knows about what he did. Chapter 5 Vocabulary Words: Strolling Walk in a leisurely way. Wring Obtain (something) with difficulty or effort. Ambush A surprise attack by people lying in wait in a concealed position. Streaks A continuous period of specified success or luck. Static Lacking in movement, action, or change, esp. in a way viewed as undesirable or uninteresting. Limp Walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot. Sheepishly like or suggestive of a sheep in docility or stupidity or meekness or timidity. Scornful Feeling or expressing contempt or derision. Aces A person who excels at a particular sport or other activity. Gruffly If you describe someone as gruff, you mean that they seem rather unfriendly or bad-tempered. Summary: Layne talks about what he do in school and he was so nervous to go home, afraid of maybe his mom knows that he ride a bull and got hurt. Then he went home his mom was there but she has still no Idea about what he did so everything was all right. Then terror told him that Chase wants him to in the arena, so Layne and Terror go there and at first Layne thought that Chase will get his bull rope and then chase ordered Terror and Jana to get a couple of young bulls so they did. Then Chase told Layne that he were going to teach Layne to ride bulls as long as he can keep it a secret and Layne was so happy about it because his dad once told him that Chase was the best bull rider he ever known. Layne ask Chase Why will he teach him and Chase told him that he remember how tough being a kid that you want to do something so bad, but nobody thinks you’re old enough to handle it. Question: (True of False) 1) Layne’s mom has no idea about him riding a bull. TF 2) Chase called Layne to have a pizza in the arena. TF 3) Layne’s is nervous to go home because of his mom. TF Chapter 6 Vocabulary Words: Suddenly Quickly and unexpectedly. Suicide The action of killing oneself intentionally. Plunged Jump or dive quickly and energetically. Demanded Ask authoritatively or brusquely. Disposition A persons inherent qualities of mind and character. Supposed Generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so. Argue Exchange or express diverging or opposite views, typically in a heated or angry way. Rhythm A persons natural feeling for such arrangement. Trudged Walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions. Cowboy A man, typically one on horseback, who herds and tends cattle, esp. in the western US and as represented in westerns and novels. Summary: Chase started to teach Layne how to ride a bull. But he noticed that Layne is holding his bull rope wrong and dangerously. Layne’s rope holding is called the suicide wrap it was thought to him by his dad. And Chase used this Idea to get on Layne’s head and make him mad. Layne ride the bull and he got no rhythm on what he was doing and hit the ground hard. Chase says he has no concentration on his riding and he was just mad about him. Then Layne fought back at him and he says he can just ride on his way. Then Chase walk away and Layne caught him back and ask if he try it again on his way and they continue on bull riding. Question: (Circle the best answer) 1) Chase teaches Layne __________. a. To drive a car. b. Ride a bull. 2) Layne’s style of holding a bull rope is ________. a. Killer wrap. b. Suicide wrap 3) Layne ride the bull and his got no _______. a. Rhythm. b. Hat. Chapter 7 Vocabulary Words: Blur Make or become unclear or less distinct. Grumping Act in a sulky, grumbling manner. Halfheartedly without enthusiasm or interest. Squawked Make a loud, harsh noise. Gleam Shine brightly, esp. with reflected light. Squealing Make such a cry or noise. Outburst A sudden release of strong emotion. Coast Act or make progress without making much effort. Growling Make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat. Savages A member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized. Summary: Layne talks about the past few weeks of his bull riding practise and how he’s doing well. Layne’s mom has an announcement that their cousin Becky is getting married at July third which is the same date of the rodeo that Layne entered. Three days later Jana phoned him to go to the arena to get some practise but he must hurry because they don’t know if when Jana’s parents will be back. When Layne arrives at the arena the chute has already a bull and it was Rhino it’s time for their rematch at first Layne is excited about it but after a few seconds when he was on the back of Rhino he felt like he was afraid and shaky then right before Chase open the Chute Jana stop them because Jana’s parents arrive then Chase bring Rhino back to his coral with other bulls Chase said the Layne can Just try it next time. Question: (True of False) 1) Layne is doing well on his bull riding practise. TF 2) Layne’s cousin Charley is getting married. TF 3) Layne and Rhino have their rematch. TF Chapter 8 Vocabulary Words: Dawned Come into existence. Reluctantly Unwilling and hesitant; disinclined Paced Walk at a steady and consistent speed, esp. back and forth and as an expression of ones anxiety or annoyance. Roared Make a loud, deep, prolonged sound. Sputtered Make a series of soft explosive sounds, typically when being heated or as a symptom of a fault. Groan Make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair. Pleasant Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. Eased Make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe. Lurch An abrupt uncontrolled movement, esp. an unsteady tilt or roll. Struggle Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. Summary: July 3 is finally arrive Layne’s mom was about to leave and go to Edmonton for her niece wedding and before she leave she gave $50 for Layne to go to the rodeo. Layne was guilty not to tell her mom that he were going to ride a bull for the rodeo but he knows her mom is going to be really mad at her so he did not tell her mom. As Layne and Terror was about to leave Terror says that load Rambo to the trailer because she also entered for barrel racing at first Layne was mad at Terror because she don’t tell to their mom that she will enter the barrel race but after he thought about it he realized that he done the same thing so they load Rambo at the trailer but the trailer tire was flat. So they load him at the back of the track. When they were driving Layne was very careful not to take a sharp turn for Rambo then he noticed Rick Barker from his school that Rick and his friends were driving recklessly and above over the designated speed limit so Layne pull over and let them pass by but Rambo fell of the track and got hurt they call the vet to look at Rambo the vet says that Rambo should take bake home and give a plenty of rest. When they are home their mom called them Layne was so nervous that he will get in trouble for what happened if their mom’s will find out what to them so he lied that everything is fine and their mom told them that she will stay at Edmonton for the night because their aunt Bonnie says so. After their conversation Jana and Chase got into their house asking what happened to them and why they didn’t show up for the rodeo. Layne talks to Layne how sorry he was because all the effort of Chase of getting him ready for the rodeo is all waste but Chase laugh because he talks to the arena director and he owned him a favor that Layne’s ride is moved into tomorrow’s go-round and Layne becomes very Happy about it and he accept it. Question: (Fill in the blanks) 1) Layne’s mom goes to _____________ for her niece wedding. 2) Rambo fell of the truck and got ______. 3) Layne and Terror called the _________ to see how Rambo’s condition. Chapter 9 Vocabulary Words: Unwind Relax after a period of work or tension. Cursing Be afflicted with Eager Wanting to do or have something very much. Clenched Close into a tight ball, esp. when feeling extreme anger. Bronc Bronc riding, either saddle bronc or bareback bronc competition is a rodeo event that involves a rodeo participant riding on a horse (sometimes called a bronc or bronco), that attempts to throw or buck off the rider. Swerved Change or cause to change direction abruptly Wince Give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress. Freaked React or behave in a wild and irrational way, typically because of the effects of extreme emotion, mental illness, or drugs. Hauled Pull or drag with effort or force. Smearing Spread (a greasy, oily, or sticky substance) over something. Summary: Layne got to the rodeo ground he waits an hour before he could even find out which bull he drawn he got in the rodeo secretary Mrs. Henry and ask If he can find out which bull will he riding and paid his entry fee. And he got Rhino to be the bull to ride on there are 3 bull riders before him first one is Jason Thorne he was a good bull rider he finished his ride with 8 seconds and have 85 points, the second rider is Mark Greely he got fell off the bull he was riding really fast, third rider is Rusty Barnett and after the announcer called Rusty to start the ride Chase called Layne to get ready and get on the back on Rhino because his riding next. As Layne is sitting on the back of rhino he saw Rusty Barnett got hurt and he should have just let go of the bull but he can’t because Rusty is doing he suicide wrap he can’t get out his hand out of the rope so the clown on the arena distract the bull and help Rusty to get out. While Layne is Watching Rusty he remembered his dad because what happened to Rust it’s almost the same thing that happened to his dad. After Rusty`s ride Layne is next the announcer get the crowd to get calm for what they have seen about Rusty. Then while the announcer was introducing Layne Chase is yelling at him that to get off Rhino and he`s not going to ride but Layne ignore him and looked to the gate man and yelled Outside then the gate opened and Rhino has been unleashed to the chute he jump and spin left and right Layne manage to get still on Rhino but he fell down on the ground the Layne got back off to Rhino after the clowns got Rhino Layne saw his mother and they have a conversation then his mom forgive him for what he did and accept that Layne is a bull rider then his mom ugged him and the next thing he knew is there is Jana hugged him and give him a kiss then Terror was charging up for him he thought Terror will hug him too but instead Terror just punched him in the arm and says not bad and he looked over the fence to see Chase and he was just standing there and winked at Layne. THE END Question: (True or False) 1) Layne arrives to early at the arena. TF 2) Layne remember his dad while watching Rusty Barnett rid e. TF 3) Layne’s mom, Jana and Terror hugged him after his ride. TF Characters Layne McQueen Main Character of the story, Teen age boy who wants to follow the footsteps of his father Jeff McQueen to be a bull rider and join the rodeo and win the championship. Tara Terror McQueen Layne`s sister who help him to archive his goal. Jana Kelvin – Daughter of Jack Kelvin who owns the arena where Layne is always sneaking in to practice bull riding. Chase Kincaid – Jana`s grandfather and Trained Layne on Bull riding. Becky – Layne`s cousin. Bonnie – Layne`s aunt. Rick Barker – Layne`s classmate. Mr. Bowlen – Layne`s rugby Couch. Mrs. Henry – Rodeo secretary.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East Essay - 1

Affects of the Cold War on the Middle East - Essay Example The effects of the Cold War on the socio-political affairs in the Middle East were very diverse and discursive in nature due to a number of economic, historical, political and religious causes such the Arab-Israel antagonism, the overt anti-religious nature of Communism, the vast reserve of furnace oil in the Middle Eastern countries, the non-democratic and most likely monarchic political systems in those countries during the Cold War and Islam as the religion of the majority of the people in the Middle East. Since most of the political governments of the Middle East were non-democratic and, to a great extent, monarchic after the Second World War up to 2000, the then rulers were forced to take shelter either in the US block or the Soviet in order to survive in the countries’ power with the support of any of the two superpowers. Also due to the vast reserve of oil, the Middle Eastern countries were strategically important for both of the superpowers. Therefore, the rulers of th ese countries needed backings of any of these two superpowers against the expansionist invasions of the others. Before the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the Arab countries were more or less neutral, though because of being geographically close to the Soviet Union and the overt US support for Israel in this region, the countries were more influenced by the Soviet Leaders. Because of the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, the countries were alarmed; they began to feel the threat from the Soviet Union’s aggressive nature.

Project Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project Proposal - Essay Example Till now, the human resource department’s services have been performed informally by the top management that has been multitasking, but now the need of a proper department with established procedures and distribution of authority is just too serious to be ignored. This research leads to a convenient, cost effective, and quick way of establishing the HRD at Arzaq. Project Proposal Both primary and secondary sources will be consulted to identify the most suitable way to establish the HRD at Arzaq. Literature review and market analysis leads to the information that the best way to establish the HRD is to review the organizational structure of other organizations of comparable size and ideally performing similar services, and the way the HRD is functioning in them. A good company to compare in this case is Naeem Foods (2005) that is based in a number of cities in Saudi Arabia including Riyadh, Dammam, and Jeddah. HR Director of Naeem Foods can be interviewed for guidance regarding how to start with establishing the HRD at Arzaq, what technology to purchase, and where to get the workers trained from. Project milestones and timing The main objective of this project is to successfully establish the HRD at Arzaq that quickly fits into the organization’s culture and helps the company improve the quality of performance of the workers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Music and Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Music and Mind - Essay Example An experiment in neuroscience and cognitive science find a good relationship between music and humans mental and the functioning of the human brain in cognitive ability (Levitin, 2015). Children can remember the music pitches and contours especially in melodies, which can help them remember what happened earlier in the day. The brain has the basic musical building blocks such as the neurons that are sensitive to tone pitch, rhythms, complex harmonic relationships, and melodic contours. For instance, the left hemisphere of the brain can process melody and the right one process language. Children have brains that understands music just like adults and enjoy music in their early life stages. Through listening and paying attention to music, children develop communication, self-expression, and cognition. The muscles and the brain also have a share of the real effect of the music. Scans taken in the brain during musical performances indicate that the cerebral cortex is normally active thro ughout the playing period (Meyer, 2008). Therefore, music engages the brain synapses and improves its capacity through neuron connectivity. Researchers found that music improves reading performances especially in the 1st graders as the experimental group showed high scores in academics than the control group (Meyer, 2008). Engaging in music through learning and performances exercises the brain by strengthening the synapses between the cells of the brain. The specific pitch training in music enhances the reading and the understanding capacity of the students. The ability of a student to recognize words in music leads to the improvement of the sounding-out stage increasing the students ability to rad. Research has shown that a correlation exist between the way students read standard and phonic and pitch discrimination (Supplemental Material for Review of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business in Focus & Research Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business in Focus & Research Skills - Essay Example Globalisation of businesses on the one hand, and the extensive spread of the Internet on the other, facilitated the phenomenon of global manpower outsourcing. The growth of usage of computers in all walks of life created enormous demand for English speaking and trained manpower for working as programmers. The economic rationale for using foreign nationals in low-end application programmes was the significantly lower wage costs and sheer manpower resource availability. This trend has rapidly spread to many other areas such as call centre operations, legal, accounting and auditing, engineering, manufacturing processes etc. generally termed as business process outsourcing (BPO), and gave rise to two types of employment of foreign nationals - onshore or off-shore services and in each case there have been corresponding loss of job opportunities for locals. In the onshore format, the foreign national is In the US, which is the major promoter of outsourcing as a model for competitive global business operations, there is a growing public resentment on the jobs lost to foreign nationals. The volume of jobs lost can be gauged by the fact that in each of the cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore in India, there are hundreds of companies employing thousands of men and women, providing back office services on 24x7 basis, to the US and European companies (BPO India, 2009). In the past most of these jobs in areas such as customer services, credit card operations, medical transcription, data entry, telemarketing etc. were being performed locally in the US itself by US nationals. The high hourly wage costs and the opening up of the world markets for services led to the outsourcing trends. In addition, the major Indian IT firms place thousands of their employees at the clients' premises for operations such as programming, installation, maintenance and training. Further, major US firms like Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Accenture, and Deloitte have established subsidiary companies in India i.e., they have effectively shipped jobs abroad. While economising on manpower costs is one reason for outsourcing, avoiding payment of taxes in the US is another aspect. Some business houses establish overseas operations in tax haven countries because the corporate income tax in the US is relatively higher, thus encouraging firms to establish operations abroad where either there is no tax or the tax rates are much lesser. Under the double taxation agreements, which the US has with a host of countries, if US firms pay taxes abroad on the income generated fromBusiness in focus 3 their foreign operations, then there is no need to pay taxes again on such income in the US, meaning consolidation of global income for tax purposes is not required. There is a growing criticism of such tax breaks for firms, which ship jobs abroad. The current economic down turn has only accentuated the demands for discouraging firms from outsourcing. During the 2004 presidential elections, Mr. John Kerry

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future Essay

Ryanair Industry Analysis and Strategy for the Future - Essay Example The heÐ °rt of RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s strÐ °tegy is bÐ °sed on providing Ð ° no frills service with low fÐ °res designed to stimulÐ °te demÐ °nd, pÐ °rticulÐ °rly from budget conscious leisure Ð °nd business trÐ °vellers who might otherwise hÐ °ve used Ð °lternÐ °tive forms of trÐ °nsportÐ °tion or who might not trÐ °velled Ð °t Ð °ll. Following on from this I looked Ð °t the externÐ °l environment thÐ °t Ð °ffects RyÐ °nÐ °ir, to get Ð ° brief ideÐ ° of the possible opportunities Ð °nd threÐ °ts. IncreÐ °sed TrÐ °de-union Pressure: with the Ð °cuisition of Buzz Ð °irline in 2003, RyÐ °nÐ °ir hÐ °s undergone some mÐ °jor chÐ °nges in the mÐ °nÐ °gement structure Ð °s well Ð °s in its stÐ °ff polici. From 400 till 600 employess were dismismissed due to the RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s policy to dispose of the redundÐ °nd stÐ °ff. RyÐ °nÐ °ir mÐ °nÐ °gement Ð °rgued thÐ °t the productivity of Buzz Ð °t 3,000 pÐ °ssengers per employee wÐ °s unÐ °cceptÐ °ble compÐ °red with 10,000 pÐ °ssengers per employee Ð °t RyÐ °nÐ °ir. RyÐ °nÐ °ir wÐ °s Ð °ccused by trÐ °de unions of telling stÐ °ff to â€Å"Ð °ccept the cuts or else †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . EU ExpÐ °nsion: Before the Ð °cquisition, RyÐ °nÐ °ir wÐ °s the biggest user of StÐ °nsted, occupying 45% of lÐ °nding slots while eÐ °syjet/Go hÐ °d 26% Ð °nd Buzz hÐ °d 12%.xiv The merger thus sÐ °feguÐ °rded RyÐ °nÐ °ir’s position Ð °t StÐ °nsted. Moreover, it gÐ °ve RyÐ °nÐ °ir Ð ° UK Ð ir OperÐ °ting CertificÐ °te, which Ð °llowed the compÐ °ny to fly from BritÐ °in to destinÐ °tions outside the EU. Big leÐ °p towÐ °rds †open skies†: The US hÐ °d signed open bilÐ °terÐ °l Ð °greements with EuropeÐ °n countries individuÐ °lly, deÐ °ls which were seen Ð °s Ð ° big leÐ °p towÐ °rd â€Å"open-skies†. Ð ll cÐ °rriers in the two countries concerned were given unlimited rights to operÐ °te trÐ °nsÐ °tlÐ °ntic routes between Ð °ny two destinÐ °tions, with no frequency, cÐ °pÐ °city or tÐ °riff control. In Ð °ddition, unlimited Fifth Freedom rights were grÐ °nted, which Ð °llowed Ð °irlines to cÐ °rry trÐ °ffic between two foreign

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project management - Coursework Example The Trans-Saharan gas pipeline (TGSP) is a project whose aim is to see Algeria and Nigeria team up in a bid to have a diversification of gas supplies to the European continent. Seen by many analysts as the most incredible venture in Africa, the two countries seek to connect the supply of natural gas at Algeria for further countries to benefit (Nwaoha and Wood 2014). Unknown to many people is that this project was first suggested in the 70s but it has encountered a myriad of challenges before its initiation. It was not until 2009 that ministers from the concerned countries met and agreed to have the project completed by 2015 (Seljom and Rosenberg 2011). However, this is yet to be achieved due to various hurdles standing in the way. Even though this was previously thought to be a Nigeria-Algeria affair, Niger could not be overlooked since the project had to pass through its territory. The project’s scope will see it start from Warri region- which is in Nigeria-, pass through Niger all the way to Hassi R’mel which is in Algeria. Once at R’mel, the project will then connect with the Trans-Mediterranean, Medgaz, Galsi and Maghreb pipelines that currently supply to many parts of Europe (Reymond 2007). In terms of length, the entire project is estimated to cover at least 4,128 km but for the Algerian part, which forms the basis of this Project initiation document, the scope is at 2,310 km. The objectives of this project includes expanding the natural gas market to the European countries, solidify the relations among the involved parties and seeking to find an ending market for the gas product. In addition to having an improved economy, other benefits that will be evident from this project include the strengthened unity of the countries and employment opportunities for a significant number of Algerians. Natural gas is one of the most consumed commodities in not only Europe but also globally (Engerer and Horn 2010) .The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health care policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health care policy - Essay Example The Health Care policy is addressed to articulate the origins and benefits of the scheme that has noticed various setbacks in the implemented environments. Health care policy is the strategies developed to regulate the need to complete measures that are needed to offer affordable health attention. The U.S. provides variable entities to the provision that is initiated in different sectors. The health care facilities are privately owned with organizations and the government offering the needed packages for attention. The policy is mostly offered by the government to initiate the Medicare and Medicaid policies. The higher spending in the Health Care system has reduced the mortality rate in America significantly promising healthy living to the people. However, the elevated costs incurred, and inflation threatens the sustainability of the system (Shannon, 2004). There are provided unnecessary spending that present to limit the American economy. The growth of the system is challenged in the organization and provision that have been established as constraining to the policy. The recent trend has witnessed the health care premium to inflate and rise to tremendous depths as compared to the economy. The health care organization in the U.S. has been elevated to be compared to double the price of those in developed nations (Kronenfeld, 2002). The government initiates the policy from the contribution in the taxes presented by the citizens. The policy is affected by the government and the private institutions that commit to presenting the program to their employees. Institutions offer the Health Care policies to their employees based on the agreement of the package presented. These ensure a healthy working environment that provides security to the employed in times of emergencies (Shannon, 2004). However, the government system may also present desirable measures to be attained in a healthy provision. The Obamacare has

Loss Control Essay Example for Free

Loss Control Essay This report is basically â€Å"A short History of Fire loss control efforts in the United States†. It includes a historical overview of the situation in the area of minimizing loss of life and property in the early 20th Century, the paper starts with a brief over view of the principle of loss control and the causes for incidents that occur due to various factors, briefly describes the level of expertise and methods being used in that era to apply the principle of fire loss control. For the purpose of which information was obtained through the NIST (National Institute of Standard and Technology) about the available options to planners to minimize the chances and level of destruction due to accidental fires. The paper then shifts the focus on the 21st century and new innovations and options that have revolutionized the efforts of fire loss control. It also briefly mentions the recent technological advancements that are very promising for the new future and have tremendous potential to effectively reduce the occurrence and consequences of such incidents. Loss Control The concept of loss control basically deals with the formulation of strategies, systems and procedures to reduce or completely eliminate the occurrence of incidents which are undesirable and may cause loss of life and property resulting in massive disruptions and costing a large amount of money. (Fire. gov, 1) Mainly these incidents fall into three basic categories which may end up resulting in occurrence of such incidents: 1. Lack of Control †¢ Insufficient Systems Systems are in place but they are insufficient to deal with various unforeseen eventualities resulting in failure to muster an adequate response in order to control and minimize the extent of loss of life and property †¢ Insufficient Standards The standards and benchmarks in place to handle a situation and the guidelines which are in place are insufficient and the standards doe not satisfy the minimum international benchmarks set to deal with situations causing losses. †¢ Non- Compliance with Standards A situation where although the adequate standards are in place but they are not being enforced or followed by the people who are responsible to ensure enforcement and compliance with the standard practices. 2. Basic Causes If careful analysis is undertaken we come to the conclusion that there are usually two basic categories of basic causes that are responsible for incidents taking place resulting in substantial losses 1. Personal Factors The personal factors consist of inadequate knowledge on part of the people working in the work environment which generally gives way to incidents and then inadequate knowledge about how to react a developing incident hence it can be blamed on personal incompetence. 2. Environmental Within environmental factors things like inadequate engineering, equipment, leadership, hence at a critical time the failure of equipment or any resulting malfunction due to faulty engineering or bad leadership decisions can cause incidents to spiral completely out of control and magnify the resultant loss of life n property. 3. Immediate Causes †¢ Substandard Acts (Behavior) This area deals with the behavioral and factors of irresponsible actions on part of individuals, first and foremost factor that comes to mind is the improper use of equipment causing danger not only to one’s own self but also to people working in surrounding areas †¢ Improper Lifting/Failure to lock Out equipment/ Using Equipment improperly FIRE LOSS CONTROL Every year about 2 billion dollars of renovation, reconstruction and destruction and loss of countless lives due to incidents of fire in the United States takes place. Developed Facilities including buildings, of various types and the service systems functioning within them, as well as utilities for transportation, public facilities, power generation, communication systems, water supply and water treatment systems, and waste disposal) (NIST Research, 1) These facilities and systems are a Nation’s wealth, which are valued around $25 trillion dollars, with an average investment of $1 trillion annually employed in new construction, expansion and renovation amounting to about one-eight of the GDP. The quality of these systems and facilities are vital and fundamental to industrial productivity, progress and development and the level of quality of life enjoyed by the masses. The safety of these vital installations from accidental fires and other similar natural, incidental and willful hazards and dangers is critical and extremely significant for the safety of life, avoidance and prevention of injuries, protection and maintenance of property, and the most important issue which is the issue of national security. The basic phenomena around Fire’s include ignition which is largely unintended and accidental, growth due to the unintended materials fueling the fire and ultimately the usage of extinguishing materials suppression of fires, the effects on people and the general public of fires and combustion products, and the resultant negative effects on society of destruction caused by fire and the ensuing losses and investments in fire safety. The various aspects involved in the performance of developed and constructed facilities involve important and critical factors like structural stability which means the structures should be strong enough to sustain and withstand very high temperatures and should not collapse under intense heat, durability and strength of materials and equipment vital for safety and security of the structures and the human lives depending on them, environmental controls which are in place for building occupants in order to ensure their safety and security, functionality intended for the express purpose of the facility, the included costs of construction of the structures, operations within these facilities and structures, maintenance and renovation of facilities making them safe and secure and resistant to any accidental damage, and all other social and environmental effects. (Richardson, 30) This paper basically provides an overview of the history of the fire loss controls efforts in the United State s resulting from research and development and new techniques and fire control technologies.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Most Power In Modern Western Societies Essay Example for Free

Most Power In Modern Western Societies Essay Assess the view that most power in modern western societies is held by people who have not been democratically elected. It is believed that people who have not been democratically elected hold most power in western societys, however how true is this? Throughout history people have been born into positions of power, if your father was a lord, you would most likely also be a lord. Marxists believe that this division of power still exist in modern society today. Unlike Functionalists who believe in a fair merocratic society, Marxists believe that the social class you are born in is where youll most likely end up staying. However this theory is critised for being far to deterministic as many people from the working classes are able to make there way up the social ladder. Marxists believe that everything designed in society is there to favour the bourgeois, from the State to the legal system. Althusser believes that economic determinism needs to be rejected. According to Althusser, societies comprise of 3 levels: The economic, the political and the ideological. Although the economy is determinant in the last instance, the political and ideological levels are not mere reflections of the economy but have relative autonomy and dont have effects on the economy. Stephen Lukes identified three ways in which sociologists have approached the study of power. Each involves studying a different dimension or face of power. He argues that an understanding of power requires an awareness of all three faces. The first face of power is success in decision-making (this has been adopted by pluralists). The second face of power is managing the agenda and the third is manipulation the views of others. Weber is usually considered the starting point in the study of power. Unlike Marx he believed that power was not automatically linked to ownership of wealth. Ordinary people with little or no money could exercise power by joining parties, not only political parties but pressure groups. He defined power as the chance of a man or a number of men to realise their own will in a communal action even against the resistance of others. Weber defined 3 types of authority: Charismatic Authority (The type of authority based on charisma), Traditional Authority (The type of power based on established customs) and Rational-legal authority (The type of authority devised from impersonal rules). Weber saw rational-legal authority as the dominant form of authority in modern societies, not only armies but also political, religious and educational organisations. He believed that they were organised on bureaucratic lines with structures of authority and rational rules designed to ensure that power is used to achieve the goals of organisations. Webers work has been critised as the types of authority he described are ideal types. Ideal is a model of the purest type and in reality ideal types do not exists. Political scientist Robert Dahl developed Webers ideas into what has become classical pluralism. Classical pluralism represents the way in which many people believe liberal democrats such as the UK and USA operate. It suggests that such political systems are truly democratic and that power is distributed throughout society. Classical pluralists except that they have very little direct involvement in political decision-making however this doesnt mean that these societies are undemocratic. They are seen as representative democracies where citizens elect political leaders who are charged with carrying out the wishes of those who elected them. Pluralists see political parties and pressure groups as crucial for the democratic process, as through political parties we seek to gain power by putting up candidates into elections with the aim of forming a government and through pressure groups seek to influence those in government to follow policies which individual groups favour. Robert Dahl conducted a study of local government in New Haven and found that no-one group is seen to actually dominate the decision-making; power is therefore shared among a range of groups. The idea is rejected by pluralists that democracy is possible in a one-party state, since there must be opposition parties and a range of pressure groups to represent the views of those who disagree with the governing party. Pluralists claim to have solid evidence for their view of the distribution of power from case studies of decision-making on a local level (Dahl) and at a national level (Hewitt) There have been many criticisms of pluralism, first of all it is believed that measuring power by examining decisions ignores non-decision making. It also ignores the fact that that people may accept and even welcome decisions which are against their interests and its is shown that some groups exercise more power than others and so is an unequal representation of interests and many interests may not be represented at all. Marxists also argue that the pluralists focus on the decisions taken by local and national governments ignores the possibility that the real centre of power is elsewhere. As a result of the criticisms of pluralism many classical pluralism supporters modified or changed their positions. Robert Dahl has accepted that the unequal distribution of wealth and income in the USA makes equal political influence impossible. David Marsh describes this position as elite pluralism. Elite Pluralists accept that many political interests are under represented. However, since they constitute a significant number of voters the government will eventually be forced to take note of their interests. It is accepted that some groups have greater access to the government than others, however they point out that governments must minimise conflict by consulting with a range of interest groups. Elite Pluralism answers some of the criticisms of classical pluralism. It acknowledges the existence of under-represented interests and accepts that power is to some degree concentrated in the hands of a few elites. However there are also criticisms of this theory. Its said to undermine the pluralist position that power is widely dispersed in capitalist societies. Also the assumption that elites or leaders act in the interests of their members is also open to question. Finally Elite pluralism like Classical pluralism fails to take into account the third face of power the ability to shape and manipulate the desires of others. Elite theorists reject the pluralist view that power in liberal democracies is widely dispersed. They argue that power is concentrated in the hands of a small minority called the elite. The elite theory was originally developed as a response to Marxism, which claimed that democracy was only possible under communism. They asserted that rule by elites was inevitable in all societies, even communist ones. However not all views of elite theory are so pessimistic. Many modern elite theorists argue that rule by elites results from the way in which societies are organised, rather than being n inevitable feature of human society. Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca rejected the idea that real democracy was possible in either liberal democracies or under communism. They argue that in all societies and elite, a minority of individuals with superior personal qualities, would monopolise power. While Pareto and Mosca saw the elite as an inevitable thing Wright Mills saw the elite rule as a result of the structure of society which allowed a disproportionate amount of power to be held by a few individuals who occupied what he called the command posts. These individuals are called the power elite. He identified 3 key institutions as the centres of power, The Federal government, the major corporations and the military. Mills believed that these 3 elites are closely related because of their similar origins, education and kinship and because there interests are in twined. Critics of Mills argue that he only showed that the elites in the USA have potential for control, he failed to show that they had actual hold control. In addition pluralist disagree with this theory and argue that there are many other elites such as pressure group leaders, religious, trade unions and so on, who can provide a counterbalance to these more powerful elites. Marxists also reject the notion of a power elite, arguing that real power in capitalist societies derives not from positions in institutions but from ownership and control of the means of production. In conclusion it seems as though there are many different approaches to the view on power in society, whether the people are in power because they were democratically elected or whether there, there because they were born into it. However many of the views tend to ignore the problems with black people and women. Why are there only 25% of women in parliament and why are there only 6 black MPs? Although functionalist believe we live in a fair merocratic society its becoming fairly obvious that we dont. Though many views have may have some truth behind them it extremely hard say that one persons opinion of power in society is wrong. It really depends if you believe in the power of the people or not.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Martin Luther King: Montgomery Bus Boycott

Martin Luther King: Montgomery Bus Boycott In my opinion Martin Luther King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott. King played a key role in the organisation and leadership of the boycott which ultimately lead to its success. He was the focal point of the boycott; however, there were other factors that contributed to the success of this movement. For example, the successful effort of the 50 000 black population in Montgomery which demonstrated black unity and a new attitude to protest. The strength of the boycott developed from the unity of the black population to boycott the busses. It demonstrated the power and effectiveness of the black community when they worked as one. Martin Luther king actively encouraged the black unity by acting as a role model and an inspiration to many stressing the protest was not to be violent or passive resistance but an active non-violent resistance to evil. The role of King in the boycott was extremely important in keeping the unanimity of the black community, this was the fundamental factor if the blacks were going to win the boycott and challenge the segregation laws. Thus, King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott. The Montgomery bus boycott also emphasised the importance and the potential of the black economic power. Black shoppers were unable to go downtown without travelling on public buses so businesses owned by the whites lost in excess of one million dollars. This was a turning point for many white business men and resulted in them working against the segregation ordinance. If violent protest was used, which a large proportion of the population wanted, then victories such as this would not have occurred. Therefore Kings strength of leadership and his use of non-violent protest justifies that he was the most significant result of the boycott. The boycott highlighted the significance of organisations such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People) and the MIA (Montgomery Improvement Association). It showed the continuing effectiveness of these organisations strategies of going through the law courts to pursue equal rights for Black Americans. These particular associations challenged the bus segregation laws by taking them to the district court where they were proved unconstitutional (Browder V. Gayle). Although the district court declared the segregation laws unconstitutional, there was little change in the situation (De jure change) until the supreme court backed the ruling in December 1956. Therefore, the organisations working for the rights of blacks and the Browder V. Gayle Supreme Court ruling were also an extremely significant result of the boycott. In summary, although Martin Luther King had a major impact due to his inspirational leadership and motivational skills, other key factors, such as the ones mentioned above also played n important part and must have recognition. Other individuals involved in the boycott were also important such as Jo Ann Robinson, who decided to challenge the Brown V. Board of Education case by distributing propaganda leaflets to get support from the black population. Rosa Parks also played a big role in the protest; after all she initiated the protests which lead to the boycott which subsequently lead to the bus segregation laws being declared unconstitutional. This proves that although King was arguably the most significant result of the boycott, other individuals also played an important role. The success of the boycott inspired others like Melba Pattillo who volunteered as a guinea pig for the NAACP and church leaders during the Little Rock crisis in 1957. Pattillo volunteered to transfer to the all white high school with eight other black students where they were faced daily harassment from white students. Due to the courage and determination of Melba Pattillo and the other eight black students it proved that the Brown V. Board of Education (whereby it was declared that separate schools were unequal) was a De Jure change as it faced wide spread resistance from the white Americans. This forced President Eisenhower and the authorities to intervene as the constitution seemed threatened. This resulted in Cooper V. Aaron ruling which confirmed that keeping public schools segregated was unconstitutional. Individuals such as Pattillo were therefore a significant result of the boycott and although it brought King to the forefront of the movement there were other significant resu lts which arose from the success of the boycott. The SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) set up by King in 1957 aimed to improve the black situation in the South which had specific problems. The SCLC was set up to work alongside the NAACP but provide an alternative (direct non violent action) to the NAACPs litigation strategy. The SCLC attracted national attention to racial inequality an example of this is the march in Washington in support of Eisenhowers civil rights bill in May 1957. Therefore Martin Luther King was the most significant result of the Montgomery bus boycott as he also made a positive impact on the situation for black Americans in the South. In conclusion, I agree that Marin Luther King was the most important result of the Montgomery boycott. Kings leadership and motivation inspired the black community to unite and work as one to overcome the bus segregation laws in an active but non-violent resistance to evil. The boycott saw the rise of King as a civil rights leader and as a spokesman of the modern civil rights movement. However, there were other very significant results of the boycott such as the Browder V. Gayle Supreme Court ruling that proved that the bus segregation ordinance was unconstitutional. Other significant results of the boycott were that it challenged and invalidated many of the Jim Crow laws and that it inspired many other successful boycotts in Southern States. As a result, I believe there were many significant results of the boycott however; I feel I must agree that Martin Luther King was the most significant.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Magical and Realist Elements of Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esqui

Magical and Realist Elements of Like Water for Chocolate The novel Like Water for Chocolate, published in 1989, was written by Laura Esquivel who is of Spanish heritage. She lives in Mexico, and Like Water for Chocolate was her first novel. I feel that in the story Laura Esquivel gives a lot of magical elements as well as some realist elements in order to evoke emotions about love. While reading Like Water for Chocolate, I thought that how the girl named Tita was not allowed to marry the guy she loved and how she had to watch her sister marry him was interesting. However, I thought that the element was somewhat magical when she was making her sister Rosaura's wedding cake, and at the same time, she was thinking of Pedro whom she is in love with and he is now marrying her sister. As she was thinking of him, she began to cry. As she was crying, a tear drop went into the cake, and they were afraid that it messed up the meringue. I have not baked much, especially using meringue, but I felt that part was a little magical to me. On the other hand, I found the fact real that a person can be in love with somebody else while he or she is getting married. However, I am not sure if there are people out there who marry somebody just so they can be closer to their family member. The fact that her mom did not want Tita to get married was real because people can and do sometimes get upset when they do not want their child getting married. She showed a lot of emotions. Also, preparing for the wedding was a realist element. Many things appeared to be real. One does argue with family members, and daily events happened. Doing chores and cooking are obviously realist elements. However, many realist elements are brought up. Havi... ...on will see magical as well as realistic elements. If one is interested in Like Water for Chocolate, there are many websites he or she can go to. There is plenty of information on Like Water for Chocolate. Works Cited Chanady, Amaryll. "The Territorialization of the Imaginary in Latin America: Self-Affirmation and Resistance to Metropolitan Pilgrims." Magical Realism. Theory, History, Community. Ed Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durkham, N. C: Duke UP, 1995: 125-141 Esquivel, Laura. Like Water for Chocolate. New York: Doubleday, 1989. Love and Other Illegal Facts. Esquivel, Laura. October 1996. 19 Jan 2001. Smith, Joan. Laura Esquivel on "Like Water for Chocolate," destiny and the thoughts of inanimate objects. The Interview Love and Other Illegal Acts. October 1996. 19 Jan 2001

Emily Dickinson Essays -- essays research papers

Emily Dickinson   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emily Elizabeth Dickinson, was born on December 10, 1830 in the small town of Amherst, Massachusetts. Emily was born into a wealthy and well-known family. Living with her father, mother, sister, and brother, Emily went through emotional problems as a child. Her father, Edward Dickinson, was a lawyer, treasurer of Amherst College, and a member of Congress. He was an orthodox Calvinist and he raised his family to be very religious ( On May 6, 1828, Edward married Emily Norcross (Ferlazzo 11). Emily Norcross was a housewife and she also lived very religiously. She was very depressed for most of her life, which caused distance between her and the rest of her family. The distance with her mother actually caused Emily Dickinson to write that she â€Å"never had a mother† ( On April 16th, 1829 Emily’s brother William Austin was born. Emily and her brother constantly competed with one ano ther because of the fact that they were both poets.. Emily Dickinson’s younger sister, Lavinia Norcross Dickinson, was born on February 28, 1833. Lavinia took the liberty of publishing Emily’s poetry after she passed away. Emily attended school at Amherst Academy and Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (Ferlazzo 11).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1850 was the year that Emily first got her start in poetry writing. Her first poem, â€Å"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi,† was published in the Springfield Republican (Knapp 14). At the end of the Civil War, Emily Dickinson reduced the people she kept in contact with to only those she knew through Amherst. She dressed in nothing but white clothing and became a recluse. It is believed that Emily may have had an affair with Reverend Charles Wadsworth or Samuel Bowels ( While Emily was in seclusion, there were many Dickinson family battles being fought ( Emily suffered great emotional troubles during 1861 and it is not known whether she ever fully recovered. Emily contracted Bright’s disease at the age of 54. She died on May 15, 1886. Her poems were published by her sister, Lavinia, and her niece, Martha Dickinson Bianchi (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The central themes of Emily’s poetry were death, love, faith, power, nature, domesticity,... ...ferent second stanza with seemingly secular views (Ferlazzo 39). In â€Å"This is My Letter to the World,† Dickinson shows her true seclusion from the world by observations and her disappointed love affairs. There were many indications within the poem that would suggest of her despair after her lovers and friends stopped writing, her only means of communication with the outside world (Ferlazzo 125). â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† and â€Å"I Felt a Funeral in My Brain† show her opposing views of death based upon her parents’ deaths, her father’s peacefully, and her mother’s sudden and harsh. Her religious standpoint lies in â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death,† having the suitor symbolize God (Knapp 92). â€Å"There’s a Certain Slant of Light† exhibits similar views using strongly opposing words to show her contradiction of her views (Ferlazzo 116). â€Å"I Started Early - Took my Dog,† and â₠¬Å"A bird came down the Walk† show how her observations during her isolation gave her two contrasting views of nature and how her childhood and a possible rape affected her writing (Knapp 70-73). In conclusion, Emily Dickinson was a notorious poetess whose deep and heartfelt poetry will forever be remembered.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Jungle :: Socialism, Sinclair

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout American history, people that have challenged themselves with a cause have had at least some control of major issues present during their lives. Upton Sinclair was one of these influential people. Using his talent for writing, Sinclair wrote his most successful novel, The Jungle. This novel stressed a need to improve conditions for industrial workers, and exposed the faults of Capitalism in order to promote his cause; which was Socialism. Sinclair achieved his goal of promoting Socialism with the story of Jurgis Rudkus and his family. By describing the harsh system in which workers were consumed by, Sinclair uncovered faults in Capitalism, and inversely promoted Socialism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Sinclair’s story, he vividly described the family and the disagreeable situation they were in. The accounts of the meatpacking industry, developed mainly on truth from personal experience, were filled with examples of an unjust work system, corruption by employers, and the resulting low living conditions. For example, Packingtown laborers would be forced to work repeatedly faster, only to see their wages cut numerous times. Also, families became impoverished, causing the children to work. As a result, Elzbieta's son, Stanislovas, was eaten alive by rats. Such major problems in the Capitalist system were focused on throughout the novel. The problems in the meatpacking industry related to issues concerning the entire industrial labor force. Sinclair continued to show that these problems could have been solved by Socialism. The fact that Jurgis joined the Socialist Party and was dedicated to improving his surroundings was how Sinclair displayed the fact that Socialism was a more practical system. The Jungle :: Socialism, Sinclair   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout American history, people that have challenged themselves with a cause have had at least some control of major issues present during their lives. Upton Sinclair was one of these influential people. Using his talent for writing, Sinclair wrote his most successful novel, The Jungle. This novel stressed a need to improve conditions for industrial workers, and exposed the faults of Capitalism in order to promote his cause; which was Socialism. Sinclair achieved his goal of promoting Socialism with the story of Jurgis Rudkus and his family. By describing the harsh system in which workers were consumed by, Sinclair uncovered faults in Capitalism, and inversely promoted Socialism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Sinclair’s story, he vividly described the family and the disagreeable situation they were in. The accounts of the meatpacking industry, developed mainly on truth from personal experience, were filled with examples of an unjust work system, corruption by employers, and the resulting low living conditions. For example, Packingtown laborers would be forced to work repeatedly faster, only to see their wages cut numerous times. Also, families became impoverished, causing the children to work. As a result, Elzbieta's son, Stanislovas, was eaten alive by rats. Such major problems in the Capitalist system were focused on throughout the novel. The problems in the meatpacking industry related to issues concerning the entire industrial labor force. Sinclair continued to show that these problems could have been solved by Socialism. The fact that Jurgis joined the Socialist Party and was dedicated to improving his surroundings was how Sinclair displayed the fact that Socialism was a more practical system.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Drama Coursework †Response Phase Essay

As part of our drama course we are studying the play â€Å"blood brothers† by Willy Russell. Blood Brothers is about twins who were separated at birth because their mother could not afford to keep both. As they grow up they meet, become friends and eventually blood brothers. However they both fall in love with the same girl and this conflict ultimately leads to their tragic deaths. First we read the play blood brothers as a class, then our teacher, Mrs O— asked us to choose and then act out three or four scenes which we, as a group thought were most important. In my group were S—, G— and N—. The first scene we chose was when Mr Lyons asks Mrs Johnston to give away one of her babies, we thought this was a crucial moment in the play because in this scene we see how the brothers first got separated. We also see the differences between the middle and the working class people, which was important as it is a main theme in the play. I was playing Mrs Lyons and N— was playing Mrs Johnston. We started our performance with a freeze frame; our freeze frame was useful as it showed the audience what scene we are going to perform. Nicola, playing Mrs Johnston was looking down holding her stomach as if she was pregnant. I was standing on her side holding a bible pushing it towards her. We wanted to show the part where Mrs Lyons was asking Mrs Johnson to make a binding agreement, we used facial expressions to show which characters we were trying to portray. As I was Mrs Lyons, I stood with a smug arrogant look to show that I was the wealthy one, while N— was looking sad, worried and a little scared. Our role-play started with Mrs Johnston working and Mrs Lyons coming in to see how she was doing. As Mrs Lyons I spoke with a posh accent boasting about how big my house is and looking down at N—-. We used thought tracking to get inside the characters mind and see what they are really thinking. When N—- was telling me about how she can stop getting pregnant and I can’t have any babies thought tracking was useful as I got to show the audience how I was actually jealous and thought that the babies would be better off with me. We also used it to show that N— did not like Mrs Johnston showing off and thinking she was better then her. After the visit to the doctors, N—- acted like she was nervous and panicking that the welfare will come and take her children away and worried about how she would cope with two more babies. At this point I used thought tracking to hint to the audience that I was thinking about asking for a baby. When I did ask for a baby I started to act more mean and scary grabbing hold of N—- and begging her to give me a child to show how desperate Mrs Lyons was to have a baby. N—- used thought tracking to show the audience that she was thinking about agreeing to give me a baby and also to show that she was a little scared of me. I was shouting at her doing all I could to make her agree and getting a bible and forcing her to make a binding agreement. We also used hot seating in our performance; this helped the audience to get to know more about the characters. Our teacher, Mrs O— first asked us questions and we had to answer staying in character. The audience got to know about how N—-‘s husband left her and how she has to look after all the kids by herself. We also used it to show that she was considering giving a child a baby to Mrs Lyons, as she could not afford to have any more kids. The hot seating helped me show how Mrs Lyons’ evil side and how she did not care if it was wrong all she wanted was a child and she does not care how she gets it. For our second scene we choose the part when the brothers meet for the first time. This we thought was another key scene as it shows how they meet and become blood brothers, not knowing that they were actually real bothers. G— was playing Edward and S— was playing Mickey. In this scene we see how better off the rich one, Edward is that Mrs Lyons is looking after him. The freeze frame for this scene was when the two boys were crossing fingers and Mrs Lyons in the background. We made it clear what scene they were going to perform was when they first meet because it was the part when they became blood brothers. They were both smiling and happy to have made a new friend while Mrs Lyons stood in the background with her arms crossed looking angrily at the two of them. We added a bit of comedy to this part because they are seven year olds and we wanted to show that. Shikira was sitting on her own making funny gun noises looking very scruffy and G—- walks in acting very posh. When S— taught him swear words he was shocked and amazed at all the â€Å"smashing† things that S— says. We used thought tracking to show how G— had never meet a boy like him but actually liked him. The hot seating gave the audience a chance to see that G—- has not got a lot of friends as they all bully him but not S—-. They audience also got to see that S—- never meet a posh boy like him but they became friends. In the second group were K—, M—, M— and B—-. The first scene they done was when Mrs Johnston gives one of her babies away to Mrs Lyons. K—- was playing Mrs Johnston and M— was playing Mrs Lyons. Their freeze frame was of K—- down on her knees scrubbing the floor and M—- crossing her arms looking down at her. It was obvious what scene they were going to do and what characters they were playing by using body positions and facial expressions. M—- looking arrogant and like a snob and showing how she thinks she is above K—– just because she is richer. Their performance was very well organised and they all knew what they were doing. M—- was very good at acting arrogant and as K—– cleans she was looking down at her and used good thought tracking to show how she felt. K—– did well as Mrs Johnston acting like she is happy to work for her but suing thought tracking show that she secretly did not like Mrs Lyons and that created tension between the two of them. I thought that they lacked thought tracking as the play went on and could have added more towards the end of their performance. Their use of hot seating was good; although I thought when they answered they could have gone into more detail and let the audience find out more about their characters. From the hot seating we learnt that M—– does not think its wrong to take K—-‘s baby and that K—- has no money to look after any more children. I thought that M—– could have improved her performance by added more thought tracking and speaking louder but I thought she did well at showing she was Mrs Lyons by the way that she spoke and her attitude towards K—–. K—– acted confidently, and used good thought tracking to show what she was thinking at the start of the play. She would have improved her performance by adding more detail to her answers in the hot seating and more thought tracking at the end of their performance. In the third group were G—-, T—–, S—- and T——. One of the scenes they acted out was the last scene; this is an important scene in the play because it was when Mickey finds out about Linda’s affair with Edward. Mrs Johnston’s secret deal with Mrs Lyons is also reviled and both brothers end up dead. T—– played Mickey, C—— was Edward and Grace played Mrs Johnston. Their freeze frame was off the end of the play when Mickey and Edward were dead. T—– and C—- were lying down on the floor dead and G—- was standing over them. They did well to show the tragic ending of the play and g—— used good facial expressions to show that she was shocked and upset at what had just happened. She stood with her head slight down and looked like she was crying out in disbelief. They stared with Mickey who was played by T—— going crazy wandering around the stage looking for the pills. She used thought tracking to tell the audience what she was looking for and how she angry she felt that she did not have them. When she found out about Linda and Edward’s affair she acted good and confidently showing how angry and frustrated she was. She used thought tracking telling the audience how she was thinking out killing him when she went to get the gun before storming out to find Edward. C—– playing Edward was doing his job making a speech acting normal when suddenly T—— barges in pointing a gun in his face. The use of hot seating at this moment let the audience know how scared Edward was and how T——- was not thinking straight and how she was just angry. I thought that this group also could have spoken in more detail to explain to the audience how they feel. At this moment G—— runs in trying to stop T——. She used thought tracking to say how she was thinking of telling them the truth. G—– trying to stop Mickey shouts out to not to kill Edward because they are brothers. But this just makes T—- even more angry thinking that he could have ended up like C———- with a good job and a great life. G—- in a final attempt to stop Mickey pushes his hand but the gun shoot and kills Edward. The police then shoot T—— and she falls to the floor, leaving G—– in crying in shock. I thought that in this part they could have been more organised and put more thought tracking in but all in all they had a great performance.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Andress Bonifacio Life Essay

Name Andress Bonifacio y de Castro parenthood Date November 30, 1863Birth Place Ilaya,Tondo, capital of the PhilippinesMothers Name Catalina de Castro gives Name capital of Chile Bonifacioeducational ATTAINMENT Bonifacios normal information was cut short when he dropped pop out to support his siblings after both their parents died of illness. He did Not finishing his normal education, Bonifacio was self-educated. He read books about the French Revolution, biographies of the Presidents of the join States, books about contemporary Philippine penal and civil codes, and novels such as original Hugos Les Misrables, Eugne Sues Le Juif errant and Jos Rizals Noli Me Tngere and El Filibusterismo.NOBLE CHARACTERISTIC1. The bugger off of Philippine Revolution2. He was a founder and later imperative (Supreme Leader) of the katipunan movement which sougth the independence of the Philippines from Spanish Colonial Rule and started the Philippine Revolution. 3. He is considered a de facto na tional hero of the Philippines. 4. He considered by some Filipino historiographer to be the first President, yet officially he is non recognize a such.ANSALYSIS ANDRES BONIFACIO (full name Gat Andres Bonifacio y de Castro) was born(p) in Ilaya, Tondo, Manila and was the oldest child of Santiago Bonifacio and Catalina de Castro. His early education started in Tondo but was forced to drop out because of his parents shoemakers last and that he had to work for his siblings. Despite not finishing formal education, Bonifacio was self-educated. Andres Bonifacio became a aroused Filipino nationalist and when Jose Rizal had established the La Liga Filipina, Andres Bonifacio was a member. When Jose Rizal was deported to Dapitan, he immediately organised the KKK or the Kataastaasang Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga anak ng bayan. In Pugad Lawin, Caloocan, Andres Bonifacio together with the thousands of Katipuneros assembled and tore their cedulas.



Leadership is rather different.There are interconnection between leaders and managers. Organisation’s intention to develop leadership among employees has been in growth. It is because they realised the potentials of public good leaders. Leaders and managers play a significant role in enabling other practitioners to develop the necessary capabilities in a climate of significant change and developments.Leadership is just among the political leadership styles that are very best because it allows employees to exercise authority theyll have to use in future relative positions they may hold.Myth asserts that people simply either have certain charismatic qualities or not. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.†Ã¢â‚¬â€Warren G.

Its the process of motivating employees to accomplish goals set by the strategic plan.Rapid economic changes pose new opportunities and threats. Leaders are supposed to white face those situations. â€Å"For managers the world keeps changing. It changes from hour to hour, day to day and week to week.Leadership contains a responsibility to the groups welfare.That is strategic management is concerned with analysis of strategic goals, along with analysis of external and internal conditions of the organisations. Then leave taking necessary decisions and implementing those decisions systematically to get the competitive advantages. Strategic management, popularized during 1980s. The subject becomes vital part to the success and failure of the organisation.

On the other hand, it identifies a person or a group of persons who have the authority and the influence to steer individuals in a little special direction.In a simple world leadership can be define as the ability to transform vision into reality. Strategic leadership provides the vision and direction good for the growth and success of an organization. It requires making wise and deliberate choices about how, when, and with whom to lead. A good manager is now by definition a leader.Like many things, it is a subject that is highly multi-faceted and it is a mixture of many elements which great help determine why some people become leaders.Jack Welch, he worked magic at GE in the 1990s. Lou Gerstner, the brain behind the successful turnaround of IBM. Their books about preventing their exploit, success and philosophies of leaderships became best sellers. 1.

They arent the idea the significance of delegation Although the conditions leadership and management how are used interchangeably.The style used by each individual will be based on their beliefs, values, ethical views and preferences as well as the organizational culture logical and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. 1. Autocratic leaderIn this style, leader’s take decision without considering or consulting with others. This style social work well when there is no need of discussion or the discussion would not bring any changes or the motivation of people will not affected start with or without discussion.Without them, leaders cannot meet their entire potential.3. Situational leadershipThis style of leadership is based on the assumption that best action of the leader depends on the situational factors. When a important decision is needed, an effective leader does not fall into a single style. 4.

They will need to clarify their vision he said.The first stage of inherently Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby fixing the salary and other benefits of subordinates, and the company (and by implication the subordinate’s manager) double gets authority over the subordinate. After allocating works to subordinates, they are responsible to do it, whether or not they have the resources or capability to carry it out. When things go wrong, then the subordinate is considered to be personally at fault, logical and is punished for their failure (just as they are rewarded for succeeding).5.Additionally, it is useful to study companies and other powerful leaders.They continuously work to motivate the followers.Decision making best can be affected by leadership style. The key elements of leadership are 1. Understanding their own personality and understanding others 2.

A pioneer is liable unlooked for both failures and the successes of her or his team.They responds to a same situation by different leaders can vary. Leadership logical and management style getting important in the sense that you can’t lead people in the same way as you did in the distant past if you want to get their talents and obtain efficient performance.Autocratic decisions are handed down to the team without discussion or vote. great But that decision is necessary sometimes.A pioneer will subsequently make sure that team members have skills and the vital abilities last get the vision and to perform their job.Leaders, uses democratic style workout that situation well. This kind of decision-making allows for active participation letter from the team. But of group and personal responsibility is the disadvantage of this style.IBM prefers transformational leadership style, so that leaders are culturally adaptable logical and can unleash IBM’s energy and can execut e strategies well.

Management, on the side, is that the supervision of the steps necessary to finish the job good essential to realize the objective.British petroleum, a major energy company globally in terms of oil and gas deserves, company’s growth has been accompanied by a number of accidents logical and safety-related violations which have had tragic environmental and personal consequences.Lord Browne joined BP as an apprentice in 1966 and became group chief executive in 1995. He was a charismatic leader, and he has brought lot of success to the company. But he was forced to resign in 2007 total due to a personal scandal.Management is necessary.Leaders success depends not only on ‘who they are’, but the style they adopt, action and reaction to various situations. None of the leadership style is appropriated in click all situations. Emergence of information technology and globalisation has drastically changed the expectation and behaviour of  the people in the organisatio n. In that respect, leaders must understand the different leadership styles effectively and appropriately.

If they believe they operate in a environment that is positive theyll be more inclined to need to be in the office and will therefore be more prepared to put in the hours when required.Types of team players involved 3. Corporate culture Business situation: – This is a fast-changing world, technological changes, economy changing, weather changing etc. In such a situation a leader cannot lose the sense of changes. Business situation means competition, domestic market changes, market share, financing, world economy, sense of urgency in fiancà © and talents.Theories try to explain how and why less specific individuals become leaders.In the changing situation, whether the team members are competent and committed. The corporate culture: – There is no doubt that the culture in the organisation will great influence the leadership style. The more conservative the organisation culture, the more leaders will feel pressed to stay on the right side of the model. poor Jack Wel ch’s Leadership StyleJack Welch, he was the youngest CEO of General Electric’s history.

Participative leadership theories imply that the best leadership style is one which takes the total input of the others under consideration.Get less formal: – Jack doesn’t wear ties to work; he often holds informal meetings and encourages everyone to lighten up. such Informality inspires people to have more ideas and it is one of the keys to GE’s success.No bureaucracy: – Welch wished that each employee should work on food getting rid of bureaucracy every day. Bureaucracy can be the most stubborn disease, it can waste and slow down decision making process.He tried to eliminate complicated interoffice memos and letters. Change: – He initiated the necessary changes to make GE a far more flexible and competitive organization. He made ‘change’ a part of GE’s shared value.Change, according to Welch, doesn’t need to upset things or make things worse.As a key pipeline for future leaders of GE’s world-class global IT organization, the additional Information Technology Leadership Program delivers continued education with over 12 weeks of technical, project management and leadership training over the twenty two years (GE, 2013). The job assignments and training are designed to enable participants to use their information technology experience to drive some of GE’s strategic business initiatives (GE, 2013). Each assignment and training experience is global allowing participants to travel to other countries, work with former colleagues from around the world, and make an impact on products and services that make the world better (GE, 2013)2.1 Review the negative impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organisational strategy Situational theories or contingency theories  Those theories began in 1960s.

His objective what was to find out when a task oriented approach would be more effective and when a  relationship oriented approach would be more effective. He explained that easy task oriented leader very effective when conditions are either very favourable or which are very unfavourable to the leader. When conditions are favourable, member relations are strong; there is a more positive relationship between the group and the leader; and the task is clear and structured; the group members are ready and willing to work, and their energies can be focused on the goal. Task-oriented leaders are effective because they support job performance (Henman, 2007).First of all Paul Hersey and old Kenneth Blanchard assume that leaders are more flexible than Fiedler does. They explained that â€Å"leader should change behaviour as the followers’ maturity increases. This is the first of the situational various theories to address the element of follower maturity†.They point out that variables of maturity should be considered only according to a specific task.On the basis of this, they are considered as leaders.Each theory differs slightly. That indicates that there is no one best among all types of style. Successful leader is the one who can adapt to the changes.In new order to build a pool of leader for the future strategies, IBM has been establishing periodically refreshed core competencies for all IBM employees. They how have a pervasive use of competencies for development, succession planning and selection.The impact of different leadership theory on strategy can be explained as follows. good For example let’s consider contingency theory.

Hence effectiveness of strategy can be maintained. In an intermediate situation, relationship oriented style is best. The leader best can help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals. That was the approach adopted by old Jack Welch, GE.The company continued success is an immortal line from Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb and founder of GE. The direct current CEO of GE is Jeffrey Immelt. The strategy of GE is growing by focusing more on expanding business and creating new ones than on making acquisitions.Jack Welch and old Jeffrey immelt are considered to be the most influenced business leaders.Transformational leadership style is better for GE. They have the story of success using the thk same style. Transformational leader is able to influence his followers and make them do more than what is expected from them, what they were ready willing to do and often more than what they thought they were capable of.Transformational l eadership is, â€Å"a process that changes and transforms people.Transformational leadership is composed of four key elements, influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration.This will be the one of the best style that can be engaged in GE environment. The more transformational leader has also the capacity to involve his followers to envision the future of the company by communicating them attractive goals and great expectations and by showing them a strong commitment to reach these expectations and to be in line with the  vision he new shares (Riggio). Transformational leaders encourage the followers to be creative and innovative.

Transformation leader can take risk, as Jack Welch did in GE.Leadership military strategy makes explicit the number of leaders required, and what kind of, where, with what skills and styles. GE’s corporate strategy is to expand instead of alliances. So they great need thousands of leaders all around the world.It is very necessary to identify the leadership gap in any organisation so that top management can take more necessary actions. Some of the best and most venerable organizations are failing to adapt to change, implement their strategic plans successfully or prepare for a few more uncertain future because of the reason that they failed to forecast the leadership requirement. Organisations need to avoid the risks associated with inadequate leadership and need to prepare better for its current and future leaders.Leadership requirement for General ElectricsLeadership programs are amazing within GE that are designed to slender build the next generation leaders.Profit of GE grows consistently. Company serves customers in more than 100 countries. Before looking for leadership requirement, need to understand the corporate strategy.Leadership first requirement can be planned based on that.They need leaders at various levels. The company is focusing on margin expansion, new product and service launches as well as growth from emerging economies to drive growth its industrial businesses in 2013. Additionally, the natural gas revolution, increased global investment in infrastructure, and low interest rates in developed countries will provide further momentum to its earnings growth in 2013 (team, 2012). These new new strategies hopefully drive them to big success.

A good leader is always prepared for the any kind of challenge. He acts quickly and accurately according to the given situation. We can say that a good leader takes the right decision at the right time. Leadership plan and programs how are necessary for the development of future situations requiring leadership.Those programs are very effective. They need to add more values to those programs. Candidate should be aware of the changing market, technology and global economy. Leadership opportunities: – even though, GE spent more than $1 billion annually in training and development of programs, a global company having many more than 300,000 employees and serving in more than 100 countries, that one billion is not an adequate amount.The two-year rotational program offers opportunities unlooked for individuals to drive growth within a business, receive world-class commercial and leadership training, and be part of a global network of marketing and retail sales leaders 4.1 Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement Leadership skills are the key ingredient required for a common good leader. Some would say key ingredient in management. The basic leadership skills required in most situations are same.Trust is essential in all human relations. Confidence: – it is essential quality for all leaders. Developing self-confidence is the preliminary to becoming a leader. Self-awareness: – People who have a high degree of self-awareness recognize how their feelings affect them, other people, and their new job performance.

Motivation: – it is an important skill required for skills. Only effective leaders can motivate followers. Social skills: – social skill is how necessary to build relations. Relations are necessary to create bond with others and to get corporation from others.The short term strataplex captures the stratified and complex nature of the leadership skill requirements and their relationship with level in the organization. Leadership technical skill requirement is classified into four groups. 1. Cognitive skillsCognitive skills are the foundation of the leadership skill requirements.Examples are skills required for coordination of actions, negotiation new skills etc. 3. Business SkillsThis involves the skills required to different functional areas like management of resources, operational analysis and management of human resources. 4.This best can develop through practices. Doesn’t require talents, but commitment is necessary. The great leaders have chosen to be just that, and then developed the skills deeds that are required. Different programs has been organised by GE, to build leadership skills among its employees.

Experienced program: Human Resource strong Leadership program (HRLP). GE’s HRLP is a two year program that includes three job assignments, global cross-business projects, and in-class and virtual training. 3. Experienced Commercial political Leadership program (ELCP).2 Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills There are lot of methods to plan the further development of leadership skills. Different methods are useful in different situations. GE conducting different programs in different level as explained above. Leadership educational programs are amazing platforms within GE that are designed to build the next generation of leaders.Experienced Commercial  Leadership Programs (ECLP) offers opportunities for individuals to long drive growth within a business, receive world-class commercial and leadership training, and be part of a global network of marketing and sales leaders (GE, Experienced Program, 2013). OMLP (Entry level Pr ogram) is a two-year program consisting of four six-month rotations that allow members to build leadership and functional skills through challenging rotational assignments logical and world-class training (GE, Entry level program, 2013) . Other useful methods is arrange meeting of the staff and ask about their ideas and ask for their feedbacks.The personal best method, however, is getting feedback from the staffs.Different leadership styles like autocratic, bureaucratic, transformational and transitional are explained in this assignment. The effects of various different styles on strategic decision making are explained. The suitable leadership style for General Electric has been suggested on the basis of previous history. Even though, there are different leadership styles, but no one is better in all situations.

Different leadership styles and their role are explained.Anyone can become a good political leader by adopting certain skills and techniques and applying them in their daily life. Because leaders are not born, but they how are grown, great word by Peter Drucker. Good leaders know how to use different styles in a balanced way.A leader is a person who provides the blurred vision for the future. Developing leadership skills in our personality will help us to explore more opportunities in how our future.BibliographyClaudel, P. (2011).Trait and behavioural theories of leadership. Michigan. GE. (2013) GE. (2013). Entry level program.

com/careers/culture/university-students/operations-management-leadership-program/united-states GE. (2013). Experienced Program. Retrieved 2013, from www.(2013). Experienced Program. Retrieved May 5, 2013, letter from program. Retrieved May 4, 2013, from http://www.Retrieved May 5, 2013, from